National Anthems of the World

Music Control


"Nad Tatrou sa blyská"
(Storm Over the Tatras)


Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú.
Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú.
Zastavme ich, bratia,
ved sa ony stratia,
Slováci ozijú.
Zastavme ich, bratia,
ved sa ony stratia,
Slováci ozijú.

To Slovensko nase posial tvrdo spalo,
To Slovensko nase posial tvrdo spalo,
ale blesky hromu
vzbudzujú ho k tomu,
aby sa prebralo.
ale blesky hromu
vzbudzujú ho k tomu,
aby sa prebralo.


Lighting flashes over the Tatra,
the thunder pounds wildly,
Lighting flashes over the Tatra,
the thunder pounds wildly.
Let them pause, brothers,
they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive,
Let them pause, brothers,
they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive.

This Slovakia of ours
has been fast asleep until now,
This Slovakia of ours
has been fast asleep until now.
But the thunder and lighting
are encouraging it to come alive,
But the thunder and lighting
are encouraging it to come alive.


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